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读取高动态范围 (HDR) 图像,创建 HDR 图像,将 HDR 数据写入文件

高动态范围 (HDR) 图像尝试捕获真实场景(称为场景引用)中的全范围亮度级别。HDR 图像包含的细节程度相当高,接近人类视觉范围,超出典型计算机显示器的显示范围。该工具箱包含的函数使您能够读取、创建和写入 HDR 图像,并使用色调映射缩小显示的动态范围。


hdrreadRead high dynamic range (HDR) image
hdrwriteWrite high dynamic range (HDR) image file
makehdrCreate high dynamic range image
tonemapRender high dynamic range image for viewing
tonemapfarbmanConvert HDR image to LDR using edge-preserving multiscale decompositions
localtonemapRender HDR image for viewing while enhancing local contrast
blendexposureCreate well-exposed image from images with different exposures
camresponseEstimate camera response function


  • Work with High Dynamic Range Images

    Dynamic range refers to the range of brightness levels in an image. High dynamic range (HDR) images attempt to capture the whole tonal range of real-world scenes.

  • Display High Dynamic Range Image

    This example shows how to convert HDR data to a dynamic range that can be displayed correctly on a computer.