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Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 函数 - 按字母顺序排列的列表

addedvarplotCreate added variable plot using input data
addInteractionsAdd interaction terms to univariate generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
addKEvaluate additional numbers of clusters
addlevels(Not Recommended) Add levels to nominal or ordinal arrays
addMetricsCompute additional classification performance metrics (自 R2022a 起)
addTermsAdd terms to linear regression model
addTermsAdd terms to generalized linear regression model
adtestAnderson-Darling test
anovaAnalysis of variance (ANOVA) results (自 R2022b 起)
anovaAnalysis of variance for between-subject effects in a repeated measures model
anovaAnalysis of variance for linear regression model
anovaAnalysis of variance for linear mixed-effects model
anovaAnalysis of variance for generalized linear mixed-effects model
anova1One-way analysis of variance
anova2Two-way analysis of variance
anovanN-way analysis of variance
ansaribradleyAnsari-Bradley test
aoctoolInteractive analysis of covariance
appendAppend new trees to ensemble
averageCompute performance metrics for average receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve in multiclass problem (自 R2022a 起)
barttestBartlett’s test
barttestBartlett's test for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (自 R2023b 起)
BayesianOptimizationBayesian optimization results
bayesoptSelect optimal machine learning hyperparameters using Bayesian optimization
bbdesignBox-Behnken design
bestPointBest point in a Bayesian optimization according to a criterion
betacdfbeta 累积分布函数
BetaDistributionbeta 概率分布对象
betafitBeta parameter estimates
betainvBeta inverse cumulative distribution function
betalikeBeta negative log-likelihood
betapdfbeta 概率密度函数
betarndbeta 随机数
betastatBeta mean and variance
binofitBinomial parameter estimates
binoinvBinomial inverse cumulative distribution function
binostatBinomial mean and variance
binScatterPlotScatter plot of bins for tall arrays
BirnbaumSaundersDistributionBirnbaum-Saunders probability distribution object
bootciBootstrap confidence interval
bootstrpBootstrap sampling
boundaryPiecewise distribution boundaries
boxchartBox chart (box plot) for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (自 R2022b 起)
boxchartBox chart (box plot) for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (自 R2023b 起)
boxchartVisualize Shapley values using box charts (box plots) (自 R2024a 起)
CalinskiHarabaszEvaluationCalinski-Harabasz criterion clustering evaluation object
candexchD-optimal design from candidate set using row exchanges
candgenCandidate set generation
canoncorrCanonical correlation
canonvarsCanonical variables (自 R2023b 起)
capabilityProcess capability indices
capaplotProcess capability plot
casewriteWrite case names to file
cat(Not Recommended) Concatenate dataset arrays
ccdesignCentral composite design
cdfplot经验累积分布函数 (cdf) 图
cell2dataset(Not Recommended) Convert cell array to dataset array
cellstr(Not Recommended) Create cell array of character vectors from dataset array
chi2gofChi-square goodness-of-fit test
cholcovCholesky-like covariance decomposition
ClassificationBaggedEnsembleClassification ensemble grown by resampling
ClassificationDiscriminantDiscriminant analysis classification
ClassificationECOCMulticlass model for support vector machines (SVMs) and other classifiers
ClassificationECOCCoderConfigurerCoder configurer for multiclass model using binary learners
ClassificationEnsembleEnsemble classifier
ClassificationGAMGeneralized additive model (GAM) for binary classification (自 R2021a 起)
ClassificationKernelGaussian kernel classification model using random feature expansion
ClassificationKNNk-nearest neighbor classification
ClassificationLinearLinear model for binary classification of high-dimensional data
ClassificationLinearCoderConfigurerCoder configurer for linear binary classification of high-dimensional data (自 R2019b 起)
ClassificationNaiveBayesNaive Bayes classification for multiclass classification
ClassificationNeuralNetworkNeural network model for classification (自 R2021a 起)
ClassificationPartitionedECOCCross-validated multiclass ECOC model for support vector machines (SVMs) and other classifiers
ClassificationPartitionedEnsembleCross-validated classification ensemble
ClassificationPartitionedGAMCross-validated generalized additive model (GAM) for classification (自 R2021a 起)
ClassificationPartitionedKernelCross-validated, binary kernel classification model
ClassificationPartitionedKernelECOCCross-validated kernel error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model for multiclass classification
ClassificationPartitionedLinearCross-validated linear model for binary classification of high-dimensional data
ClassificationPartitionedLinearECOCCross-validated linear error-correcting output codes model for multiclass classification of high-dimensional data
ClassificationPartitionedModelCross-validated classification model
ClassificationSVMSupport vector machine (SVM) for one-class and binary classification
ClassificationSVMCoderConfigurerCoder configurer for support vector machine (SVM) for one-class and binary classification
ClassificationTreeBinary decision tree for multiclass classification
ClassificationTreeCoderConfigurerCoder configurer of binary decision tree model for multiclass classification (自 R2019b 起)
classifyClassify observations using discriminant analysis
clusterConstruct clusters from Gaussian mixture distribution
clusterConstruct agglomerative clusters from linkages
clusterdataConstruct agglomerative clusters from data
cmdscaleClassical multidimensional scaling
coefCIConfidence intervals of coefficient estimates of linear regression model
coefCI Confidence intervals for coefficients of linear mixed-effects model
coefCIConfidence intervals of coefficient estimates of generalized linear regression model
coefCIConfidence intervals for coefficient estimates of multinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
coefCIConfidence intervals for coefficients of generalized linear mixed-effects model
coefCIConfidence intervals of coefficient estimates of nonlinear regression model
coefciConfidence interval for Cox proportional hazards model coefficients (自 R2021a 起)
coeftestLinear hypothesis test on coefficients of repeated measures model
coeftestLinear hypothesis test on MANOVA model coefficients (自 R2023b 起)
coefTestLinear hypothesis test on linear regression model coefficients
coefTestHypothesis test on fixed and random effects of linear mixed-effects model
coefTestLinear hypothesis test on generalized linear regression model coefficients
coefTestLinear hypothesis test on multinomial regression model coefficients (自 R2023a 起)
coefTestHypothesis test on fixed and random effects of generalized linear mixed-effects model
coefTestLinear hypothesis test on nonlinear regression model coefficients
combineCombine two ensembles
combnk(Not recommended) Enumeration of combinations
compactCompact clustering evaluation object
compactCompact linear regression model
compactCompact generalized linear regression model
compactCompact support vector machine regression model
compactReduce size of machine learning model
compactReduce size of regression tree model
compactReduce size of regression ensemble model
compactCompact ensemble of decision trees
compactReduce size of direct forecasting model (自 R2023b 起)
compactReduce size of classification tree model
compactReduce size of discriminant analysis classifier
compactReduce size of multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
compactReduce size of classification ensemble model
CompactClassificationDiscriminantCompact discriminant analysis classification
CompactClassificationECOCCompact multiclass model for support vector machines (SVMs) and other classifiers
CompactClassificationEnsembleCompact classification ensemble
CompactClassificationGAMCompact generalized additive model (GAM) for binary classification (自 R2021a 起)
CompactClassificationNaiveBayesCompact naive Bayes classifier for multiclass classification
CompactClassificationNeuralNetworkCompact neural network model for classification (自 R2021a 起)
CompactClassificationSVMCompact support vector machine (SVM) for one-class and binary classification
CompactClassificationTreeCompact classification tree
CompactDirectForecasterCompact direct forecasting model (自 R2023b 起)
CompactGeneralizedLinearModelCompact generalized linear regression model class
CompactLinearModelCompact linear regression model
CompactRegressionEnsembleCompact regression ensemble
CompactRegressionGAMCompact generalized additive model (GAM) for regression (自 R2021a 起)
CompactRegressionGPCompact Gaussian process regression model class
CompactRegressionNeuralNetworkCompact neural network model for regression (自 R2021a 起)
CompactRegressionSVMCompact support vector machine regression model
CompactRegressionTreeCompact regression tree
CompactTreeBaggerCompact ensemble of bagged decision trees
compareCompare linear mixed-effects models
compareCompare generalized linear mixed-effects models
compareHoldoutCompare accuracies of two classification models using new data
confusionchartCreate confusion matrix chart for classification problem
confusionmatCompute confusion matrix for classification problem
controlchartShewhart control charts
controlrulesWestern Electric and Nelson control rules
cophenetCophenetic correlation coefficient
copulacdfCopula cumulative distribution function
copulafitFit copula to data
copulaparamCopula parameters as function of rank correlation
copulapdfCopula probability density function
copularndCopula random numbers
copulastatCopula rank correlation
cordexchCoordinate exchange
corrcovConvert covariance matrix to correlation matrix
covarianceParametersExtract covariance parameters of linear mixed-effects model
covarianceParametersExtract covariance parameters of generalized linear mixed-effects model
CoxModelCox proportional hazards model (自 R2021a 起)
coxphfitCox proportional hazards regression
creatensCreate nearest neighbor searcher object
crossvalEstimate loss using cross-validation
crossvalCross-validate machine learning model
crossvalCross-validate direct forecasting model (自 R2023b 起)
cvlossRegression error by cross-validation for regression tree model
cvlossLoss for partitioned data at each horizon step (自 R2023b 起)
cvlossClassification error by cross-validation for classification tree model
cvpartitionPartition data for cross-validation
cvpredictPredict response using cross-validated direct forecasting model (自 R2023b 起)
cvshrinkCross-validate pruning and regularization of regression ensemble
cvshrinkCross-validate regularization of linear discriminant
datasampleRandomly sample from data, with or without replacement
dataset(Not Recommended) Arrays for statistical data
dataset2cell(Not Recommended) Convert dataset array to cell array
dataset2struct(Not Recommended) Convert dataset array to structure
dataset2tableConvert dataset array to table
datasetfun(Not Recommended) Apply function to dataset array variables
daugmentD-optimal augmentation
DaviesBouldinEvaluationDavies-Bouldin criterion clustering evaluation object
dbscanDensity-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)
dcovaryD-optimal design with fixed covariates
dendrogramDendrogram plot
describeDescribe generated features (自 R2021a 起)
designecocCoding matrix for reducing error-correcting output code to binary
designMatrixFixed- and random-effects design matrices
designMatrixFixed- and random-effects design matrices
detectdriftDetect drifts between baseline and target data using permutation testing (自 R2022a 起)
detectdriftUpdate drift detector states and drift status with new data (自 R2022a 起)
devianceTestAnalysis of deviance for generalized linear regression model
diagnosticsMarkov Chain Monte Carlo diagnostics
DirectForecasterFit direct forecasting model (自 R2023b 起)
discardResidualsRemove residuals from Cox model (自 R2022b 起)
discardSupportVectorsDiscard support vectors for linear support vector machine (SVM) regression model
discardSupportVectorsDiscard support vectors for linear support vector machine (SVM) classifier
discardSupportVectorsDiscard support vectors of linear SVM binary learners in ECOC model
disp(Not Recommended) Display dataset array
disparateImpactRemoverRemove disparate impact of sensitive attribute (自 R2022b 起)
display(Not Recommended) Display dataset array
disttoolInteractive density and distribution plots
double(Not Recommended) Convert dataset variables to double array
drawSamplesGenerate Markov chain using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
DriftDetectionMethodIncremental drift detector that utilizes Drift Detection Method (DDM) (自 R2022a 起)
DriftDiagnosticsDiagnostics information for batch drift detection (自 R2022a 起)
droplevels(Not Recommended) Drop levels from a nominal or ordinal array
dummyvarCreate dummy variables
dwtestDurbin-Watson test with residual inputs
dwtestDurbin-Watson test with linear regression model object
ecdfEmpirical cumulative distribution function
ecdfCompute empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) for baseline and target data specified for data drift detection (自 R2022a 起)
ecdfhistHistogram based on empirical cumulative distribution function
edgeClassification edge for Gaussian kernel classification model
edgeClassification edge for classification tree model
edgeClassification edge for discriminant analysis classifier
edgeClassification edge for naive Bayes classifier
edgeEdge of k-nearest neighbor classifier
edgeFind classification edge for support vector machine (SVM) classifier
edgeClassification edge for multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
edgeClassification edge for linear classification models
edgeClassification edge for classification ensemble model
edgeClassification edge for generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
edgeClassification edge for neural network classifier (自 R2021a 起)
end(Not Recommended) Last index in indexing expression for dataset array
epsilonEpsilon adjustment for repeated measures anova
errorError (misclassification probability or MSE)
errorError (misclassification probability or MSE)
estimateMAPEstimate maximum of log probability density
evalclustersEvaluate clustering solutions
evcdfExtreme value cumulative distribution function
evfitExtreme value parameter estimates
evinvExtreme value inverse cumulative distribution function
evlikeExtreme value negative log-likelihood
evpdfExtreme value probability density function
evrndExtreme value random numbers
evstatExtreme value mean and variance
ExhaustiveSearcherCreate exhaustive nearest neighbor searcher
expcdfExponential cumulative distribution function
expfitExponential parameter estimates
expinvExponential inverse cumulative distribution function
explikeExponential negative log-likelihood
export(Not Recommended) Write dataset array to file
exppdfExponential probability density function
expstatExponential mean and variance
factoranFactor analysis
fairnessMetricsBias and group metrics for a data set or classification model (自 R2022b 起)
fairnessThresholderOptimize classification threshold to include fairness (自 R2023a 起)
fairnessWeightsReweight observations for fairness in binary classification (自 R2022b 起)
fcdfF 累积分布函数
FeatureSelectionNCAClassificationFeature selection for classification using neighborhood component analysis (NCA)
FeatureSelectionNCARegressionFeature selection for regression using neighborhood component analysis (NCA)
FeatureTransformerGenerated feature transformations (自 R2021a 起)
fevalPredict responses of linear regression model using one input for each predictor
fevalPredict responses of generalized linear regression model using one input for each predictor
fevalPredict responses of multinomial regression model using one input for each predictor (自 R2023a 起)
fevalEvaluate nonlinear regression model prediction
fillproxProximity matrix for training data
finvF 逆累积分布函数
fishertestFisher’s exact test
fitTrain robust random cut forest model for incremental anomaly detection (自 R2023b 起)
fitTrain one-class SVM model for incremental anomaly detection (自 R2023b 起)
fitTrain drift-aware learner for incremental learning with new data (自 R2022b 起)
fitTrain kernel model for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
fitTrain linear model for incremental learning (自 R2020b 起)
fitFit simple model of local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) (自 R2020b 起)
fitCompute Shapley values for query points (自 R2021a 起)
fitTrain ECOC classification model for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
fitTrain naive Bayes classification model for incremental learning (自 R2021a 起)
fitcautoAutomatically select classification model with optimized hyperparameters (自 R2020a 起)
fitcdiscrFit discriminant analysis classifier
fitcecocFit multiclass models for support vector machines or other classifiers
fitcensembleFit ensemble of learners for classification
fitcgamFit generalized additive model (GAM) for binary classification (自 R2021a 起)
fitckernelFit binary Gaussian kernel classifier using random feature expansion
fitcknnFit k-nearest neighbor classifier
fitclinearFit binary linear classifier to high-dimensional data
fitcnbTrain multiclass naive Bayes model
fitcnetTrain neural network classification model (自 R2021a 起)
fitcoxCreate Cox proportional hazards model (自 R2021a 起)
fitcsvm训练用于一类和二类分类的支持向量机 (SVM) 分类器
fitctreeFit binary decision tree for multiclass classification
fitensembleFit ensemble of learners for classification and regression
fitglmCreate generalized linear regression model
fitglmeFit generalized linear mixed-effects model
fitgmdistFit Gaussian mixture model to data
fitlmeFit linear mixed-effects model
fitlmematrixFit linear mixed-effects model
fitmnrFit multinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
fitnlmFit nonlinear regression model
fitPosteriorFit posterior probabilities for compact support vector machine (SVM) classifier
fitPosteriorFit posterior probabilities for support vector machine (SVM) classifier
fitrautoAutomatically select regression model with optimized hyperparameters (自 R2020b 起)
fitrensembleFit ensemble of learners for regression
fitrgamFit generalized additive model (GAM) for regression (自 R2021a 起)
fitrgpFit a Gaussian process regression (GPR) model
fitrkernelFit Gaussian kernel regression model using random feature expansion
fitrlinearFit linear regression model to high-dimensional data
fitrmFit repeated measures model
fitrnetTrain neural network regression model (自 R2021a 起)
fitrsvmFit a support vector machine regression model
fitrtreeFit binary decision tree for regression
fitsemigraphLabel data using semi-supervised graph-based method (自 R2020b 起)
fitsemiselfLabel data using semi-supervised self-training method (自 R2020b 起)
fitSVMPosteriorFit posterior probabilities
fittedFitted responses from a linear mixed-effects model
fittedFitted responses from generalized linear mixed-effects model
fixedEffectsEstimates of fixed effects and related statistics
fixedEffectsEstimates of fixed effects and related statistics
forecastForecast response at time steps beyond available data (自 R2023b 起)
fpdfF 概率密度函数
fracfactFractional factorial design
fracfactgenFractional factorial design generators
friedmanFriedman’s test
frndF 随机数
fscchi2Univariate feature ranking for classification using chi-square tests (自 R2020a 起)
fscmrmrRank features for classification using minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) algorithm (自 R2019b 起)
fscncaFeature selection using neighborhood component analysis for classification
fsrftestUnivariate feature ranking for regression using F-tests (自 R2020a 起)
fsrmrmrRank features for regression using minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) algorithm (自 R2022a 起)
fsrncaFeature selection using neighborhood component analysis for regression
fstatF mean and variance
fsulaplacianRank features for unsupervised learning using Laplacian scores (自 R2019b 起)
fsurfhtInteractive contour plot
gagerrGage repeatability and reproducibility study
gamcdfGamma cumulative distribution function
gamfitGamma parameter estimates
gaminvGamma inverse cumulative distribution function
gamlikeGamma negative log-likelihood
GammaDistributiongamma 概率分布对象
gampdfGamma probability density function
gamrndgamma 随机数
gamstatGamma mean and variance
GapEvaluationGap criterion clustering evaluation object
gardnerAltmanPlotGardner-Altman plot for two-sample effect size (自 R2022a 起)
gatherGather properties of Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox object from GPU (自 R2020b 起)
gencfeaturesPerform automated feature engineering for classification (自 R2021a 起)
GeneralizedExtremeValueDistributionGeneralized extreme value probability distribution object
GeneralizedLinearMixedModelGeneralized linear mixed-effects model class
GeneralizedLinearModelGeneralized linear regression model class
GeneralizedParetoDistributionGeneralized Pareto probability distribution object
generateCodeGenerate C/C++ code using coder configurer
generateFilesGenerate MATLAB files for code generation using coder configurer
generateLearnerDataTypeFcnGenerate function that defines data types for fixed-point code generation (自 R2019b 起)
genrfeaturesPerform automated feature engineering for regression (自 R2021b 起)
geocdfGeometric cumulative distribution function
geoinvGeometric inverse cumulative distribution function
geomeanGeometric mean
geopdfGeometric probability density function
georndGeometric random numbers
geostatGeometric mean and variance
get(Not Recommended) Access dataset array properties
getlabels(Not Recommended) Access nominal or ordinal array labels
getlevels(Not Recommended) Access nominal or ordinal array levels
gevcdfGeneralized extreme value cumulative distribution function
gevfitGeneralized extreme value parameter estimates
gevinvGeneralized extreme value inverse cumulative distribution function
gevlikeGeneralized extreme value negative log-likelihood
gevpdfGeneralized extreme value probability density function
gevrndGeneralized extreme value random numbers
gevstatGeneralized extreme value mean and variance
glmfitFit generalized linear regression model
glmvalGeneralized linear model values
glyphplotGlyph plot
gmdistributionCreate Gaussian mixture model
gnameAdd case names to plot
gpcdfGeneralized Pareto cumulative distribution function
gpfitGeneralized Pareto parameter estimates
gpinvGeneralized Pareto inverse cumulative distribution function
gplikeGeneralized Pareto negative loglikelihood
gplotmatrixMatrix of scatter plots by group
gppdfGeneralized Pareto probability density function
gprndGeneralized Pareto random numbers
gpstatGeneralized Pareto mean and variance
groupmeansMean response estimates for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (自 R2022b 起)
groupmeansMean response estimates for multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (自 R2023b 起)
growTreesTrain additional trees and add to ensemble
grp2idxCreate index vector from grouping variable
grpstatsSummary statistics organized by group
grpstatsCompute descriptive statistics of repeated measures data by group
HalfNormalDistributionHalf-normal probability distribution object
haltonsetHalton quasirandom point set
HamiltonianSamplerHamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampler
harmmeanHarmonic mean
hazardratioEstimate Cox model hazard relative to baseline (自 R2021a 起)
hist3Bivariate histogram plot
histcountsCompute histogram bin counts for specified variables in baseline and target data for drift detection (自 R2022a 起)
hmcSamplerHamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampler
hmmdecodeHidden Markov model posterior state probabilities
hmmestimateHidden Markov model parameter estimates from emissions and states
hmmgenerateHidden Markov model states and emissions
hmmtrainHidden Markov model parameter estimates from emissions
hmmviterbiHidden Markov model most probable state path
hnswSearcherHierarchical Navigable Small Worlds (HNSW) approximate nearest neighbor search (自 R2024a 起)
HoeffdingDriftDetectionMethodIncremental concept drift detector that utilizes Hoeffding's Bounds Drift Detection Method (HDDM) (自 R2022a 起)
horzcat(Not Recommended) Horizontal concatenation for dataset arrays
hygecdfHypergeometric cumulative distribution function
hygeinvHypergeometric inverse cumulative distribution function
hygepdfHypergeometric probability density function
hygerndHypergeometric random numbers
hygestatHypergeometric mean and variance
hyperparametersVariable descriptions for optimizing a fit function
iforestFit isolation forest for anomaly detection (自 R2021b 起)
inconsistentInconsistency coefficient
increaseBIncrease reference data sets
incrementalClassificationECOC Multiclass classification model using binary learners for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalClassificationKernel Binary classification kernel model for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalClassificationLinearBinary classification linear model for incremental learning (自 R2020b 起)
incrementalClassificationNaiveBayesNaive Bayes classification model for incremental learning (自 R2021a 起)
incrementalConceptDriftDetectorInstantiate incremental concept drift detector (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalDriftAwareLearnerConstruct drift-aware model for incremental learning (自 R2022b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert robust random cut forest model to incremental learner (自 R2023b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert one-class SVM model to incremental learner (自 R2023b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert support vector machine (SVM) regression model to incremental learner (自 R2020b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert linear regression model to incremental learner (自 R2020b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert kernel regression model to incremental learner (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert naive Bayes classification model to incremental learner (自 R2021a 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert binary classification support vector machine (SVM) model to incremental learner (自 R2020b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert linear model for binary classification to incremental learner (自 R2020b 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model to incremental learner (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalLearnerConvert kernel model for binary classification to incremental learner (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalOneClassSVM One-class support vector machine (SVM) model for incremental anomaly detection (自 R2023b 起)
incrementalRegressionKernelKernel regression model for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
incrementalRegressionLinearLinear regression model for incremental learning (自 R2020b 起)
incrementalRobustRandomCutForestRobust random cut forest model for incremental anomaly detection (自 R2023b 起)
interactionplotInteraction plot for grouped data
intersect(Not Recommended) Set intersection for dataset array observations
invpredInverse prediction
iqrInterquartile range of probability distribution
isanomalyFind anomalies in data using isolation forest (自 R2021b 起)
isanomalyFind anomalies in data using robust random cut forest (自 R2023a 起)
isanomalyFind anomalies in data using local outlier factor (自 R2022b 起)
isanomalyFind anomalies in data using one-class support vector machine (SVM) (自 R2022b 起)
isanomalyFind anomalies in data using robust random cut forest (RRCF) for incremental learning (自 R2023b 起)
isanomalyFind anomalies in data using one-class support vector machine (SVM) for incremental learning (自 R2023b 起)
isempty(Not Recommended) True for empty dataset array
islevel(Not Recommended) Determine if levels are in nominal or ordinal array
ismember(Not Recommended) Dataset array elements that are members of set
ismissing(Not Recommended) Find dataset array elements with missing values
IsolationForestIsolation forest for anomaly detection (自 R2021b 起)
iwishrndInverse Wishart random numbers
jackknifeJackknife sampling
jbtestJarque-Bera test
johnsrndJohnson system random numbers
join(Not Recommended) Merge dataset array observations
KDTreeSearcherCreate Kd-tree nearest neighbor searcher
kfoldEdgeClassification edge for cross-validated classification model
kfoldEdgeClassification edge for cross-validated ECOC model
kfoldEdgeClassification edge for observations not used for training
kfoldEdgeClassification edge for observations not used for training
kfoldEdgeClassification edge for cross-validated kernel classification model
kfoldEdgeClassification edge for cross-validated kernel ECOC model
kfoldfunCross-validate function for regression
kfoldfunCross-validate function for classification
kfoldfunCross-validate function using cross-validated ECOC model
kfoldLossRegression loss for observations not used in training
kfoldLossRegression loss for cross-validated kernel regression model
kfoldLossLoss for cross-validated partitioned regression model
kfoldLossClassification loss for cross-validated classification model
kfoldLossClassification loss for cross-validated ECOC model
kfoldLossClassification loss for observations not used in training
kfoldLossClassification loss for observations not used in training
kfoldLossClassification loss for cross-validated kernel classification model
kfoldLossClassification loss for cross-validated kernel ECOC model
kfoldMarginClassification margins for cross-validated classification model
kfoldMarginClassification margins for cross-validated ECOC model
kfoldMarginClassification margins for observations not used in training
kfoldMarginClassification margins for observations not used in training
kfoldMarginClassification margins for cross-validated kernel classification model
kfoldMarginClassification margins for cross-validated kernel ECOC model
kfoldPredictPredict responses for observations not used for training
kfoldPredictPredict responses for observations in cross-validated kernel regression model
kfoldPredictPredict responses for observations in cross-validated regression model
kfoldPredictClassify observations in cross-validated classification model
kfoldPredictClassify observations in cross-validated ECOC model
kfoldPredictPredict labels for observations not used for training
kfoldPredictPredict labels for observations not used for training
kfoldPredictClassify observations in cross-validated kernel classification model
kfoldPredictClassify observations in cross-validated kernel ECOC model
kmeansk 均值聚类
kmedoidsk-medoids clustering
knnsearchFind k-nearest neighbors using searcher object
knnsearchFind k-nearest neighbors using input data
kruskalwallisKruskal-Wallis test
ksdensityKernel smoothing function estimate for univariate and bivariate data
kstestOne-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
kstest2Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
lassoLasso or elastic net regularization for linear models
lassoglmLasso or elastic net regularization for generalized linear models
lassoPlotTrace plot of lasso fit
learnerCoderConfigurerCreate coder configurer of machine learning model
length(Not Recommended) Length of dataset array
levelcounts(Not Recommended) Element counts by level of a nominal or ordinal array
lillietestLilliefors test
limeLocal interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) (自 R2020b 起)
LinearMixedModelLinear mixed-effects model
LinearModelLinear regression model
linhyptestLinear hypothesis test
linhyptestLinear hypothesis tests on Cox model coefficients (自 R2021a 起)
linkageAgglomerative hierarchical cluster tree
loadCompactModel(Removed) Reconstruct model object from saved model for code generation
loadLearnerForCoderReconstruct model object from saved model for code generation (自 R2019b 起)
LocalOutlierFactorLocal outlier factor model for anomaly detection (自 R2022b 起)
lofCreate local outlier factor model for anomaly detection (自 R2022b 起)
LoglogisticDistributionLoglogistic probability distribution object
lognfitLognormal parameter estimates
lognlikeLognormal negative loglikelihood
lognstatLognormal mean and variance
logpLog unconditional probability density for discriminant analysis classifier
logpLog unconditional probability density for naive Bayes classifier
logpLog unconditional probability density of naive Bayes classification model for incremental learning (自 R2021a 起)
LoguniformDistributionLoguniform probability distribution object (自 R2021b 起)
lossRegression loss for linear regression models
lossClassification loss for Gaussian kernel classification model
lossRegression error for support vector machine regression model
lossRegression loss for Gaussian kernel regression model
lossRegression error for Gaussian process regression model
lossRegression error for regression tree model
lossRegression error for regression ensemble model
lossRegression loss for generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
lossLoss for regression neural network (自 R2021a 起)
lossRegression or classification error of incremental drift-aware learner (自 R2022b 起)
lossLoss of kernel incremental learning model on batch of data (自 R2022a 起)
lossLoss of linear incremental learning model on batch of data (自 R2020b 起)
lossLoss at each horizon step (自 R2023b 起)
loss Evaluate accuracy of learned feature weights on test data
lossClassification loss for classification tree model
lossClassification loss for discriminant analysis classifier
lossClassification loss for naive Bayes classifier
lossLoss of k-nearest neighbor classifier
lossFind classification error for support vector machine (SVM) classifier
lossClassification loss for multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
lossClassification loss for linear classification models
lossClassification loss for classification ensemble model
lossClassification loss for generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
lossClassification loss for neural network classifier (自 R2021a 起)
lossLoss of ECOC incremental learning classification model on batch of data (自 R2022a 起)
lossLoss of naive Bayes incremental learning classification model on batch of data (自 R2021a 起)
lossClassification loss adjusted by fairness threshold (自 R2023a 起)
lossEvaluate accuracy of learned feature weights on test data
lowerparamsLower Pareto tail parameters
madMean or median absolute deviation
mahalMahalanobis distance to Gaussian mixture component
mahalMahalanobis distance to reference samples
mahalMahalanobis distance to class means of discriminant analysis classifier
maineffectsplotMain effects plot for grouped data
makecdiscrConstruct discriminant analysis classifier from parameters
manovaMultivariate analysis of variance
manovaMultivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) results (自 R2023b 起)
manova1One-way multivariate analysis of variance
manovaclusterDendrogram of group mean clusters following MANOVA
marginClassification margins for Gaussian kernel classification model
marginClassification margins for classification tree model
marginClassification margins for discriminant analysis classifier
marginClassification margins for naive Bayes classifier
marginMargin of k-nearest neighbor classifier
marginFind classification margins for support vector machine (SVM) classifier
marginClassification margins for multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
marginClassification margins for linear classification models
marginClassification margins for classification ensemble model
marginClassification margins for generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
marginClassification margins for neural network classifier (自 R2021a 起)
margmean Estimate marginal means
mat2dataset(Not Recommended) Convert matrix to dataset array
mauchlyMauchly’s test for sphericity
mdscaleNonclassical multidimensional scaling
mdsproxMultidimensional scaling of proximity matrix
mdsproxMultidimensional scaling of proximity matrix
meanEffectSizeOne-sample or two-sample effect size computations (自 R2022a 起)
meanMarginMean classification margin
meanMarginMean classification margin
medianMedian of probability distribution
mergelevels(Not Recommended) Merge levels of nominal or ordinal arrays
mhsampleMetropolis-Hastings sample
mleMaximum likelihood estimates
mlecovAsymptotic covariance of maximum likelihood estimators
mnpdfMultinomial probability density function
mnrfit(Not recommended) Multinomial logistic regression
mnrndMultinomial random numbers
mnrval(Not recommended) Multinomial logistic regression values
momentCentral moment
multcompareMultiple comparison test
multcompareMultiple comparison of means for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (自 R2022b 起)
multcompareMultiple comparison of estimated marginal means
multcompareMultiple comparison of marginal means for multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) (自 R2023b 起)
MultinomialDistributionMultinomial probability distribution object
MultinomialRegressionMultinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
multivarichartMultivari chart for grouped data
mvksdensityKernel smoothing function estimate for multivariate data
mvncdfMultivariate normal cumulative distribution function
mvregressMultivariate linear regression
mvregresslikeNegative log-likelihood for multivariate regression
mvtcdfMultivariate t cumulative distribution function
mvtpdfMultivariate t probability density function
mvtrndMultivariate t random numbers
NakagamiDistributionNakagami 概率分布对象
nancov(Not recommended) Covariance ignoring NaN values
nanmax(Not recommended) Maximum, ignoring NaN values
nanmean(不推荐)均值,忽略 NaN
nanmedian(Not recommended) Median, ignoring NaN values
nanmin(Not recommended) Minimum, ignoring NaN values
nanstd(Not recommended) Standard deviation, ignoring NaN values
nansum(不推荐)总和,忽略 NaN
nanvar(Not recommended) Variance, ignoring NaN values
nbincdfNegative binomial cumulative distribution function
nbinfitNegative binomial parameter estimates
nbininvNegative binomial inverse cumulative distribution function
nbinpdfNegative binomial probability density function
nbinrndNegative binomial random numbers
nbinstatNegative binomial mean and variance
ncfcdfNoncentral F cumulative distribution function
ncfinvNoncentral F inverse cumulative distribution function
ncfpdfNoncentral F probability density function
ncfrndNoncentral F random numbers
ncfstatNoncentral F mean and variance
nctcdfNoncentral t cumulative distribution function
nctinvNoncentral t inverse cumulative distribution function
nctpdfNoncentral t probability density function
nctrndNoncentral t random numbers
nctstatNoncentral t mean and variance
ncx2cdfNoncentral chi-square cumulative distribution function
ncx2invNoncentral chi-square inverse cumulative distribution function
ncx2pdfNoncentral chi-square probability density function
ncx2rndNoncentral chi-square random numbers
ncx2statNoncentral chi-square mean and variance
ndims(Not Recommended) Number of dimensions of dataset array
nearcorrCompute nearest correlation matrix by minimizing Frobenius distance (自 R2019b 起)
negloglikNegative loglikelihood of probability distribution
netGenerate quasirandom point set
nLinearCoeffsNumber of nonzero linear coefficients in discriminant analysis classifier
nlintoolInteractive nonlinear regression
nlmefitNonlinear mixed-effects estimation
nlmefitsaFit nonlinear mixed-effects model with stochastic EM algorithm
nlparciNonlinear regression parameter confidence intervals
nlpredciNonlinear regression prediction confidence intervals
nnmfNonnegative matrix factorization
nodeVariableRangeRetrieve variable range of decision tree node (自 R2020a 起)
nominal(Not Recommended) Arrays for nominal data
NonLinearModelNonlinear regression model
normfitNormal parameter estimates
normlikeNormal negative loglikelihood
normplotNormal probability plot
normspecNormal density plot shading between specifications
normstatNormal mean and variance
nsegmentsNumber of segments in piecewise distribution
numel(Not Recommended) Number of elements in dataset array
ocsvmFit one-class support vector machine (SVM) model for anomaly detection (自 R2022b 起)
OneClassSVMOne-class support vector machine (SVM) for anomaly detection (自 R2022b 起)
onehotdecodeDecode probability vectors into class labels (自 R2021b 起)
onehotencodeEncode data labels into one-hot vectors (自 R2021b 起)
oobEdgeOut-of-bag classification edge for bagged classification ensemble model
oobErrorOut-of-bag error
oobLossOut-of-bag error for bagged regression ensemble model
oobLossOut-of-bag classification loss for bagged classification ensemble model
oobMarginOut-of-bag classification margins of bagged classification ensemble
oobMarginOut-of-bag margins
oobMeanMarginOut-of-bag mean margins
oobPermutedPredictorImportanceOut-of-bag predictor importance estimates for random forest of regression trees by permutation
oobPermutedPredictorImportanceOut-of-bag predictor importance estimates for random forest of classification trees by permutation
oobPredictEnsemble predictions for out-of-bag observations
oobPredictPredict out-of-bag responses of bagged regression ensemble
oobPredictPredict out-of-bag labels and scores of bagged classification ensemble
oobQuantileErrorOut-of-bag quantile loss of bag of regression trees
oobQuantilePredictQuantile predictions for out-of-bag observations from bag of regression trees
optimalleaforderOptimal leaf ordering for hierarchical clustering
optimizableVariableVariable description for bayesopt or other optimizers
ordinal(Not Recommended) Arrays for ordinal data
outlierMeasureOutlier measure for data in ensemble of decision trees
parallelcoordsParallel coordinates plot
paramciConfidence intervals for probability distribution parameters
paretotailsPiecewise distribution with Pareto tails
partialcorrLinear or rank partial correlation coefficients
partialcorriPartial correlation coefficients adjusted for internal variables
partialDependenceCompute partial dependence (自 R2020b 起)
PartitionedDirectForecasterCross-validated direct forecasting model (自 R2023b 起)
pcaresResiduals from principal component analysis
pearscdfPearson cumulative distribution function (自 R2023b 起)
pearspdfPearson probability density function (自 R2023b 起)
pearsrndPearson system random numbers
perfcurveReceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve or other performance curve for classifier output
permutationImportancePredictor importance by permutation (自 R2024a 起)
perObservationLossPer observation regression or classification error of incremental drift-aware learner (自 R2022b 起)
perObservationLossPer observation regression error of model for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
perObservationLossPer observation classification error of model for incremental learning (自 R2022a 起)
PiecewiseLinearDistributionPiecewise linear probability distribution object
plotPlot probability distribution object (自 R2022b 起)
plot Plot clustering evaluation object criterion values
plotPlot data with optional grouping
plotScatter plot or added variable plot of linear regression model
plotPlot results of local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) (自 R2020b 起)
plotPlot Shapley values using bar graphs (自 R2021a 起)
plotPlot Bayesian optimization results
plotPlot bar graph of fairness metric (自 R2022b 起)
plotPlot receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and other performance curves (自 R2022a 起)
plotAddedAdded variable plot of linear regression model
plotAdjustedResponseAdjusted response plot of linear regression model
plotComparisonsInteractive plot of multiple comparisons of means for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (自 R2022b 起)
plotDiagnosticsPlot observation diagnostics of linear regression model
plotDiagnosticsPlot observation diagnostics of generalized linear regression model
plotDiagnosticsPlot diagnostics of nonlinear regression model
plotDriftStatusPlot p-values and confidence intervals for variables tested for data drift (自 R2022a 起)
plotEffectsPlot main effects of predictors in linear regression model
plotEmpiricalCDFPlot empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf) of a variable specified for data drift detection (自 R2022a 起)
plotHistogramPlot histogram of a variable specified for data drift detection (自 R2022a 起)
plotInteractionPlot interaction effects of two predictors in linear regression model
plotLocalEffectsPlot local effects of terms in generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
plotPartialDependenceCreate partial dependence plot (PDP) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) plots
plotPermutationResultsPlot histogram of permutation results for a variable specified for data drift detection (自 R2022a 起)
plotprofile Plot expected marginal means with optional grouping
plotprofilePlot MANOVA response variable means with grouping (自 R2023b 起)
plotResidualsPlot residuals of linear regression model
plotResidualsPlot residuals of linear mixed-effects model
plotResidualsPlot residuals of generalized linear regression model
plotResidualsPlot residuals of multinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
plotResidualsPlot residuals of generalized linear mixed-effects model
plotResidualsPlot residuals of nonlinear regression model
plotSlicePlot of slices through fitted linear regression surface
plotSlicePlot of slices through fitted generalized linear regression surface
plotSlicePlot of slices through fitted multinomial regression surface (自 R2023a 起)
plotSlicePlot of slices through fitted nonlinear regression surface
plotSurvivalPlot survival function of Cox proportional hazards model (自 R2021a 起)
plsregressPartial least-squares (PLS) regression
poissinvPoisson inverse cumulative distribution function
poissrnd 来自泊松分布的随机数
poisstatPoisson mean and variance
polyconfPolynomial confidence intervals
polytoolInteractive polynomial fitting
posteriorPosterior probability of Gaussian mixture component
postFitStatisticsCompute post-fit statistics for the exact Gaussian process regression model
ppcaProbabilistic principal component analysis
predictCompute predicted values given predictor values
predictPredict responses of linear regression model
predictPredict response of linear regression model
predict Predict response of linear mixed-effects model
predictPredict responses of generalized linear regression model
predictPredict responses of multinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
predictPredict labels for linear classification models
predictClassify observations using multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
predictPredict labels for Gaussian kernel classification model
predictPredict response of generalized linear mixed-effects model
predictPredict response of nonlinear regression model
predictPredict responses using support vector machine regression model
predictPredict responses for Gaussian kernel regression model
predictPredict response of Gaussian process regression model
predictPredict responses using regression tree model
predictPredict responses using regression ensemble model
predictPredict responses using ensemble of bagged decision trees
predictPredict responses using ensemble of bagged decision trees
predictPredict responses using generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
predictPredict responses using regression neural network (自 R2021a 起)
predictPredict responses for new observations from incremental drift-aware learning model (自 R2022b 起)
predictPredict responses for new observations from kernel incremental learning model (自 R2022a 起)
predictPredict responses for new observations from linear incremental learning model (自 R2020b 起)
predictPredict response at time steps in observed test data (自 R2023b 起)
predictPredict responses using neighborhood component analysis (NCA) regression model
predictPredict labels using classification tree model
predictPredict labels using discriminant analysis classifier
predictClassify observations using naive Bayes classifier
predictPredict labels using k-nearest neighbor classification model
predictClassify observations using support vector machine (SVM) classifier
predictPredict labels using classification ensemble model
predictClassify observations using generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
predictClassify observations using neural network classifier (自 R2021a 起)
predictPredict responses for new observations from ECOC incremental learning classification model (自 R2022a 起)
predictPredict responses for new observations from naive Bayes incremental learning classification model (自 R2021a 起)
predictLabel new data using semi-supervised graph-based classifier (自 R2020b 起)
predictLabel new data using semi-supervised self-trained classifier (自 R2020b 起)
predictPredicted labels adjusted by fairness threshold (自 R2023a 起)
predictPredict responses using neighborhood component analysis (NCA) classifier
predictConstraintsPredict coupled constraint violations at a set of points
predictErrorPredict error value at a set of points
predictObjectivePredict objective function at a set of points
predictObjectiveEvaluationTimePredict objective function run times at a set of points
predictorImportanceEstimates of predictor importance for regression tree
predictorImportanceEstimates of predictor importance for regression ensemble of decision trees
predictorImportanceEstimates of predictor importance for classification tree
predictorImportanceEstimates of predictor importance for classification ensemble of decision trees
preparedPredictorsObtain prepared data used for training or testing in direct forecasting (自 R2023b 起)
probplotProbability plots
procrustesProcrustes analysis
proflikProfile likelihood function for probability distribution
proximityProximity matrix for data in ensemble of decision trees
pruneProduce sequence of regression subtrees by pruning regression tree
pruneProduce sequence of classification subtrees by pruning classification tree
qqplotQuantile-quantile plot
qrandGenerate quasirandom points from stream
qrandstreamQuasirandom number stream
quantileErrorQuantile loss using bag of regression trees
quantilePredictPredict response quantile using bag of regression trees
randGenerate quasirandom points from stream
randgGamma random numbers with unit scale
random Generate new random response values given predictor values
randomSimulate responses with random noise for linear regression model
random Generate random responses from fitted linear mixed-effects model
randomSimulate responses with random noise for generalized linear regression model
randomGenerate random responses from fitted multinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
randomGenerate random responses from fitted generalized linear mixed-effects model
randomSimulate responses for nonlinear regression model
randomEffects Estimates of random effects and related statistics
randomEffectsEstimates of random effects and related statistics
randtoolInteractive random number generation
rangesearchFind all neighbors within specified distance using searcher object
rangesearchFind all neighbors within specified distance using input data
ranovaRepeated measures analysis of variance
raylinvRayleigh inverse cumulative distribution function
raylstatRayleigh mean and variance
ReconstructionICAFeature extraction by reconstruction ICA
reduceDimensionsReduce dimensions of Sobol point set
refcurveAdd reference curve to plot
refit Refit generalized linear mixed-effects model
refitRefit neighborhood component analysis (NCA) model for regression
refitRefit neighborhood component analysis (NCA) model for classification
RegressionBaggedEnsembleRegression ensemble grown by resampling
RegressionEnsembleEnsemble regression
RegressionGAMGeneralized additive model (GAM) for regression (自 R2021a 起)
RegressionGPGaussian process regression model
RegressionKernelGaussian kernel regression model using random feature expansion
RegressionLinearLinear regression model for high-dimensional data
RegressionLinearCoderConfigurerCoder configurer for linear regression model with high-dimensional data (自 R2019b 起)
RegressionNeuralNetworkNeural network model for regression (自 R2021a 起)
RegressionPartitionedEnsembleCross-validated regression ensemble
RegressionPartitionedGAMCross-validated generalized additive model (GAM) for regression (自 R2021a 起)
RegressionPartitionedGPCross-validated Gaussian process regression (GPR) model (自 R2022b 起)
RegressionPartitionedKernelCross-validated kernel model for regression
RegressionPartitionedLinearCross-validated linear regression model for high-dimensional data
RegressionPartitionedModelCross-validated regression model
RegressionPartitionedNeuralNetworkCross-validated regression neural network model (自 R2023b 起)
RegressionPartitionedSVMCross-validated support vector machine regression model
RegressionSVMSupport vector machine regression model
RegressionSVMCoderConfigurerCoder configurer for support vector machine (SVM) regression model
RegressionTreeRegression tree
RegressionTreeCoderConfigurerCoder configurer of binary decision tree model for regression (自 R2019b 起)
regstatsRegression diagnostics
regularizeFind optimal weights for learners in regression ensemble
relieffRank importance of predictors using ReliefF or RReliefF algorithm
removeLearnersRemove members of compact regression ensemble
removeLearnersRemove members of compact classification ensemble
removeTermsRemove terms from linear regression model
removeTermsRemove terms from generalized linear regression model
reorderlevels(Not Recommended) Reorder levels of nominal or ordinal arrays
repartitionRepartition data for cross-validation
RepeatedMeasuresModelRepeated measures model object
replacedata(Not Recommended) Replace dataset variables
replaceWithMissing(Not Recommended) Insert missing data indicators into a dataset array
reportGenerate fairness metrics report (自 R2022b 起)
resetReset state
resetReset incremental robust random cut forest model (自 R2023b 起)
resetReset incremental one-class SVM model (自 R2023b 起)
resetReset incremental drift-aware learner (自 R2022b 起)
resetReset incremental regression model (自 R2022a 起)
resetReset incremental concept drift detector (自 R2022a 起)
resetReset incremental classification model (自 R2022a 起)
residualsResiduals of fitted linear mixed-effects model
residualsResiduals of fitted generalized linear mixed-effects model
responseResponse vector of the linear mixed-effects model
responseResponse vector of generalized linear mixed-effects model
resubEdgeResubstitution classification edge for classification tree model
resubEdgeResubstitution classification edge for discriminant analysis classifier
resubEdgeResubstitution classification edge
resubEdgeResubstitution classification edge for multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
resubEdgeResubstitution classification edge for classification ensemble model
resubLossResubstitution loss for support vector machine regression model
resubLossResubstitution regression loss
resubLossResubstitution loss for regression tree model
resubLossResubstitution loss for regression ensemble model
resubLossResubstitution classification loss for classification tree model
resubLossResubstitution classification loss for discriminant analysis classifier
resubLossResubstitution classification loss
resubLossResubstitution classification loss for multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
resubLossResubstitution classification loss for classification ensemble model
resubMarginResubstitution classification margins for classification tree model
resubMarginResubstitution classification margins for discriminant analysis classifier
resubMarginResubstitution classification margin
resubMarginResubstitution classification margins for multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
resubMarginResubstitution classification margins for classification ensemble model
resubPredictPredict resubstitution response of support vector machine regression model
resubPredictPredict responses for training data using trained regression model
resubPredictPredict response of regression tree by resubstitution
resubPredictPredict response of regression ensemble by resubstitution
resubPredictClassify observations in classification tree by resubstitution
resubPredictClassify observations in discriminant analysis classifier by resubstitution
resubPredictClassify training data using trained classifier
resubPredictClassify observations in multiclass error-correcting output codes (ECOC) model
resubPredictClassify observations in classification ensemble by resubstitution
resumeResume training of Gaussian kernel classification model
resumeResume training support vector machine regression model
resumeResume training of Gaussian kernel regression model
resumeResume training of regression ensemble model
resumeResume training of cross-validated regression ensemble model
resumeResume training of generalized additive model (GAM) (自 R2021a 起)
resumeResume a Bayesian optimization
resumeResume training support vector machine (SVM) classifier
resumeResume training of classification ensemble model
resumeResume training of cross-validated classification ensemble model
ricaFeature extraction by using reconstruction ICA
ridgeRidge regression
robustcovRobust multivariate covariance and mean estimate
robustdemoInteractive robust regression
robustfitFit robust linear regression
RobustRandomCutForestRobust random cut forest model for anomaly detection (自 R2023a 起)
rocmetricsReceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and performance metrics for binary and multiclass classifiers (自 R2022a 起)
rotatefactorsRotate factor loadings
rowexchRow exchange
rrcforestFit robust random cut forest model for anomaly detection (自 R2023a 起)
rsmdemoInteractive response surface demonstration
rstoolInteractive response surface modeling
runstestRun test for randomness
sampsizepwrSample size and power of test
saveCompactModel(Removed) Save model object in file for code generation
saveLearnerForCoderSave model object in file for code generation (自 R2019b 起)
scatterhistScatter plot with marginal histograms
scrambleScramble quasirandom point set
segmentPiecewise distribution segments containing input values
selectFeaturesSelect important features for NCA classification or regression (自 R2023b 起)
selectModelsSelect fitted regularized linear regression models
selectModelsChoose subset of multiclass ECOC models composed of binary ClassificationLinear learners
selectModelsChoose subset of regularized, binary linear classification models
SemiSupervisedGraphModelSemi-supervised graph-based model for classification (自 R2020b 起)
SemiSupervisedSelfTrainingModelSemi-supervised self-trained model for classification (自 R2020b 起)
sequentialfsSequential feature selection using custom criterion
set(Not Recommended) Set and display dataset array properties
setDefaultYfitSet default value for predict
setdiff(Not Recommended) Set difference for dataset array observations
setlabels(Not Recommended) Assign labels to levels of nominal or ordinal arrays
setxor(Not Recommended) Set exclusive or for dataset array observations
shapleyShapley values (自 R2021a 起)
shrinkPrune regression ensemble
signrankWilcoxon signed rank test
signtestSign test
silhouetteSilhouette plot
SilhouetteEvaluationSilhouette criterion clustering evaluation object
single(Not Recommended) Convert dataset variables to single array
size(Not Recommended) Size of dataset array
slicesampleSlice sampler
sobolsetSobol quasirandom point set
sortClassesSort classes of confusion matrix chart
sortrows(Not Recommended) Sort rows of dataset array
sparsefiltFeature extraction by using sparse filtering
SparseFilteringFeature extraction by sparse filtering
spectralclusterSpectral clustering (自 R2019b 起)
squareformFormat distance matrix
stack(Not Recommended) Stack dataset array from multiple variables into single variable
statgetAccess values in statistics options structure
statsAnalysis of variance (ANOVA) table (自 R2022b 起)
statsMultivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) table (自 R2023b 起)
statsetCreate statistics options structure
stepImprove linear regression model by adding or removing terms
stepImprove generalized linear regression model by adding or removing terms
stepwiseInteractive stepwise regression
stepwisefitFit linear regression model using stepwise regression
stepwiseglmCreate generalized linear regression model by stepwise regression
stepwiselmPerform stepwise regression
struct2dataset(Not Recommended) Convert structure array to dataset array
subsasgn(Not Recommended) Subscripted assignment to dataset array
subsref(Not Recommended) Subscripted reference for dataset array
summary(Not Recommended) Print summary of dataset array
summarySummary table for DriftDiagnostics object (自 R2022a 起)
surfhtInteractive contour plot
surrogateAssociationMean predictive measure of association for surrogate splits in regression tree
surrogateAssociationMean predictive measure of association for surrogate splits in classification tree
survivalCalculate survival of Cox proportional hazards model (自 R2021a 起)
swarmchartVisualize Shapley values using swarm scatter charts (自 R2024a 起)
table2dataset(Not Recommended) Convert table to dataset array
tblreadRead tabular data from file
tblwriteWrite tabular data to file
tcdfStudent t 累积分布函数
tdfreadRead tab-delimited file
templateDiscriminantDiscriminant analysis classifier template
templateECOCError-correcting output codes learner template
templateEnsembleEnsemble learning template
templateGAMGeneralized additive model (GAM) learner template (自 R2023b 起)
templateGPGaussian process template (自 R2023b 起)
templateKernelKernel learner template
templateKNNk-nearest neighbor classifier template
templateLinearLinear learner template
templateNaiveBayesNaive Bayes classifier template
templateSVMSupport vector machine template
templateTreeCreate decision tree template
testTest indices for cross-validation
testTest indices for time series cross-validation (自 R2022b 起)
testcholdoutCompare predictive accuracies of two classification models
testckfoldCompare accuracies of two classification models by repeated cross-validation
testDevianceDeviance test for multinomial regression model (自 R2023a 起)
tinvStudent t 逆累积分布函数
tLocationScaleDistributiont 位置尺度概率分布对象
tpdfStudent t 概率密度函数
trainingTraining indices for cross-validation
trainingTraining indices for time series cross-validation (自 R2022b 起)
transformTransform new data using generated features (自 R2021a 起)
transformTransform new predictor data to remove disparate impact (自 R2022b 起)
transformTransform predictors into extracted features
TreeBaggerEnsemble of bagged decision trees
trimmeanMean, excluding outliers
trndStudent's t random numbers
truncateTruncate probability distribution object
tsnet-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
tspartitionPartition time series data for cross-validation (自 R2022b 起)
tstatStudent's t mean and variance
ttest单样本和配对样本 t 检验
ttest2双样本 t 检验
tuneSampler Tune Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampler
unidcdfDiscrete uniform cumulative distribution function
unidinvDiscrete uniform inverse cumulative distribution function
unidpdfDiscrete uniform probability density function
unidrnd 来自离散均匀分布的随机数
unifinvContinuous uniform inverse cumulative distribution function
unifitContinuous uniform parameter estimates
unifpdfContinuous uniform probability density function
union(Not Recommended) Set union for dataset array observations
unique(Not Recommended) Unique observations in dataset array
unstack(Not Recommended) Unstack dataset array from single variable into multiple variables
updateUpdate model parameters for code generation
updateMetricsUpdate performance metrics in incremental drift-aware learning model given new data (自 R2022b 起)
updateMetricsUpdate performance metrics in kernel incremental learning model given new data (自 R2022a 起)
updateMetricsUpdate performance metrics in linear incremental learning model given new data (自 R2020b 起)
updateMetricsUpdate performance metrics in ECOC incremental learning classification model given new data (自 R2022a 起)
updateMetricsUpdate performance metrics in naive Bayes incremental learning classification model given new data (自 R2021a 起)
updateMetricsAndFitUpdate performance metrics in incremental drift-aware learning model given new data and train model (自 R2022b 起)
updateMetricsAndFitUpdate performance metrics in kernel incremental learning model given new data and train model (自 R2022a 起)
updateMetricsAndFitUpdate performance metrics in linear incremental learning model given new data and train model (自 R2020b 起)
updateMetricsAndFitUpdate performance metrics in ECOC incremental learning classification model given new data and train model (自 R2022a 起)
updateMetricsAndFitUpdate performance metrics in naive Bayes incremental learning classification model given new data and train model (自 R2021a 起)
upperparamsUpper Pareto tail parameters
validatedUpdateInputsValidate and extract machine learning model parameters to update
varVariance of probability distribution
varianceComponentVariance component estimates for analysis of variance (ANOVA) (自 R2022b 起)
vartestChi-square variance test
vartest2Two-sample F-test for equal variances
vartestn Multiple-sample tests for equal variances
vertcat(Not Recommended) Vertical concatenation for dataset arrays
viewView regression tree
viewView classification tree
wblcdfWeibull cumulative distribution function
wblfitWeibull parameter estimates
wblinvWeibull inverse cumulative distribution function
wbllikeWeibull negative log-likelihood
wblpdfWeibull probability density function
wblplotWeibull probability plot
wblstatWeibull mean and variance
wishrndWishart random numbers
x2fxConvert predictor matrix to design matrix
xptreadCreate table from data stored in SAS XPORT format file
zscore标准化 z 分数
ztestz 检验